
apa bahasa inggrisnya bola voli 🥇 ucapan selamat bahasa arab

apa bahasa inggrisnya bola voli

BOLA VOLI - English Translation - dictionary In the sport of volleyball, the spike is also commonly known as the smash. A smash is a technique used to make the ball fall in the opponent's area. To execute a smash, one must hit the ball with force and energy from the teammate's pass. Volleyball is a team sport played by two opposing groups, with each group having six players. There is also a variation of beach volleyball where each team only has two players. Beach volleyball has evolved over time, from games that could contain up to 16 players to the current common format where each team has six players. However, not much is known about the terms used in the game. Originally, clacker balls toys had two glass balls. When these balls broke, they posed a danger to the players, and so the two balls were replaced with hard and round plastic that has a smooth surface. English has a diverse vocabulary for sports, including their different types, equipment, and arenas. For example, soccer is known as football, and exercise is referred to as to exercise or exercising. Volleyball requires a good grasp of four basic techniques: serving, passing, blocking, and the smash. The serve is the starting point of the volleyball game, where a player tosses the ball and hits it with the hand to begin the game.